[Notice] ATTRAKT Official Statement 2023-10-23


It has been confirmed that there was a conspiracy to break the contract by the CEO of The Givers, Sung-il Ahn(aka. Siahn), and the three members of FIFTY FIFTY who are our artists, Aran, Sio, and Saena. Accordingly, we hereby announce that we have terminated the exclusive contract of the three members, Aran, Sio, and Saena, effective October 19, 2023.


The three members, Aran, Sio, and Saena, left the agency without permission for the purpose of breaking the contract, slandered and defamed the agency, and to this day continue to distort facts and make false claims, repeating arguments that have been rejected by the court, without any remedy for the breach of contract. Going forward, ATTRAKT will take strong action against all parties who conspire to break the contract and do not show any remorse.


In addition, FIFTY FIFTY member, Keena, had been trying to convince the other three members since July to mend the improperness, and we are grateful to Keena for having the courage to return to the agency and confess the truth in regard to what had been happening during the time.